Goals & Objectives
Research & Public Engagement
Kenton County Pedestrian Plan (2001)
The Kenton County Pedestrian Plan of 2001 provided a framework for pedestrian related issues in Kenton County. Goals of this study included:
- Develop a countywide pedestrian system that is integrated with other transportation systems.
- Provide a safe, convenient, and appealing pedestrian environment.
- Encourage and support walking as an activity for its health and transportation benefits.
- Advocating for land development that is accessible by pedestrians and other non-motorized transportation.
The plan undertook an analysis of the existing pedestrian system at four locations in Kenton County using the “Ped Shed Approach.” This approach identified the actual walking area within a given walking range of any designated location that is feasible for a walking trip. Recommendations from this plan included:
- Amending the subdivision regulations and zoning ordinances to include pedestrian way standards.
- Begin using the Ped Shed Approach for new developments to ensure maximum accessibility.
- Encourage local jurisdictions to evaluate sidewalk improvement projects using the Ped Shed Approach.