KRS 147A.027 requires that:
To help officials to meet their KRS 147A.027 Requirements PDS provides:
Available to ALL City Officials/Board & Commission Members
- The KEY Connection newsletter at the end of each quarter
- Includes a minimum of four (4) hours of acceptable training in each issue that can be viewed on-line.
- Includes additional links to training resources.
- Since 2020 there have been 102 hours of CE Links provided in the newsletter.
- Traditional library on-site at PDS which includes hard copy planning relevant materials available to be checked out.
- An updated Continuing Education record is sent to each Jurisdiction bi-annually in March and September.
Available to all Planning Commissioners
- APA (American Planners Association) membership to all paid for by KCPC.
- Includes Planning magazine with acceptable articles for CE credit.
- Access and discounts for on-line training
- Staff reminders at KCPC meetings
- Links and reminders are included on all Constant Contact emails for notifications and eservice.