KRS 147A.027 requires that:

  • Planning commission and board of adjustment members, zoning administrators, and planning professionals must pursue continuing education.
  • Planning commission and board of adjustment members must accumulate at least eight hours every two years.
  • Zoning administrators and planning professionals must accumulate at least 16 hours every two years.
  • The local planning commission (KCPC) is responsible for maintaining the these records.
  • PDS staff for the Kenton County Planning Commission maintains continuing education records and helps provide training material to meet these requirements.

To help officials to meet their KRS 147A.027 Requirements PDS provides:

Available to ALL City Officials/Board & Commission Members

  • The KEY Connection newsletter at the end of each quarter
    • Includes a minimum of four (4) hours of acceptable training in each issue that can be viewed on-line.
    • Includes additional links to training resources.
    • Since 2020 there have been 102 hours of CE Links provided in the newsletter.
  • Traditional library on-site at PDS which includes hard copy planning relevant materials available to be checked out.
  • An updated Continuing Education record is sent to each Jurisdiction bi-annually in March and September.

Available to all Planning Commissioners

  • APA (American Planners Association) membership to all paid for by KCPC.
  • Includes Planning magazine with acceptable articles for CE credit.
  • Access and discounts for on-line training
  • Staff reminders at KCPC meetings
  • Links and reminders are included on all Constant Contact emails for notifications and eservice.