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Housing Ad Hoc Committee

A housing task force was formed to specifically review and develop recommendations for the Housing Element. 

  • Commissioner Kareem Simpson, Kenton County Planning Commission
  • Mayor Chris Reinersman, PDS Management Board Chair & Mayor of the City of Independence
  • Tara Johnson-Noem, Executive Director, Northern Kentucky Area Development District 
  • Pat Crowley, Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association
  • Joe Schlimm, Vice President, Sr. Business Banker, Republic Bank
  • Jason Finch, Market President, Fischer Homes
  • Heidi Ollish, Vice President of Property Management, DMG Companies

Virtual discussion with committee members & PDS Staff

  • Introduction & purpose
  • Committee member introductions
  • Comprehensive Plan overview
  • NKADD Housing Data Analysis highlights
  • Housing recommendations discussion
    • Round-table discussion regarding industry needs/research/professional experiences 
    • Ended meeting by dispersing the current Direction2030 recommendations to the members for review for discussion for the next meeting

Round-table discussion with committee members & PDS Staff

  • Housing Recommendations discussion
    • Line by line review and recorded draft changes per members’ professional/industry viewpoints
    • Introduction was edited slightly
    • Recommendation 1 as well as Tasks 2, 3, 4, 5 were edited
    • Recommendation 2 & 3 edited
    • First draft completed
  • Round-table discussion with key stakeholders to include Planning Commissioners, City Administrators, Mayors, Economic Development Directors, Builders/Developers, Financial Services, and PDS Staff
  • Engagement board placed by the sign-in table to gauge the attendees’ knowledge of housing trends, supply and demand in the county. Seven responded that their knowledge is to a great extent, three responded somewhat, and one responded very little. 
    • Introduction & purpose
    • Comprehensive Plan Update process overview
    • NKADD Housing Data Analysis highlights
    • Current draft changes to the Housing Recommendations
    • Facilitator generated notes from Stakeholders’ feedback
      • Feedback presented and notes recorded on Recommendation 1 & all associated tasks (except Task 4)
      • Feedback on Recommendation 1, Basis section as well as Recommendation 2, Task 5 were presented via notes or email correspondence & recorded following the meeting
  • Discussion on subsidized housing 
    • Data from Kentucky State Data Center Subsidized Housing Study (2017)
    • Covington 15.9% of occupied subsidized housing whereas rest of county is only 1.8%
    • County should consider these options especially close to employment and transit as the County expands
  • Round-table discussion with committee members & PDS Staff
    • Housing Recommendations discussion
      • Discussed draft changes & Stakeholder feedback
      • Edited draft based on Stakeholder feedback
        • Edits to Recommendation 1 & all associated tasks (except 4)
        • Edits to Recommendation 1, Basis section as well as Recommendation 2, Task 5