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  • 2024 CPU FAQ

  • Throughout the course of the plan questions were often asked that covered the who, what, when, where, and why.  We took the most frequently asked questions and provided answers.  Read on to learn more.


Direction 2030 is the comprehensive plan for Kenton County. The plan  guides growth and development in Kenton County and outlines goals, objectives, and implementation strategies aimed at making Kenton County a great place to live. Direction 2030 is centered on public input, so residents’ needs and desires essentially shape the future of their community to create a vibrant, sustainable, economically competitive place to live and work.


This update is an opportunity to educate the public on planning and hear from the public.  In addition to the items listed below, we will take a close look at housing in Kenton County to determine if any changes are necessary and remove any barriers or impediments to decent and attainable housing.  This will not be a complete re-write of the current plan.

What will be updated.... What will NOT be updated...
Demographics & Data Recommended Land Use
Trends Goals & Objectives
Branding & Website  
Technology Update  

Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS)

Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) Chapter 100 is the state law that governs planning and zoning in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It is the foundation of all planning and zoning activities that local communities pursue, including preparing and adopting comprehensive plans.

KRS 100.197 requires that the elements of the comprehensive plan shall be reviewed by the planning commission at least once every five (5) years and amended if necessary. 

Chapter 100- Planning and Zoning Statutes

100.183. Comprehensive plan required

100.187. Contents of comprehensive plan

100.191. Research requirement for comprehensive plan

100.193. Statement of goals and objectives

100.197. Adoption of plan elements


Public input is important for obtaining feedback from the people who live and work in our county and communities. Feedback from the public, special interest groups, and your Planning Commissioners will be used to determine if there is a need for new or updated recommendations, and for updating the Public Research Report of the comprehensive plan. Informed and driven by Kenton County residents, the comprehensive plan addresses major issues relating to the county’s future growth, prosperity, and well-being.




Over the course of the next year, KCPC staff will be conducting outreach in many different areas of the county and in many different forms in order to hear from you and your residents.  This page will  include new/upcoming public engagement events and public input survey links.  Be sure to check back often!


The Kenton County Planning Commission (KCPC), which includes appointed representatives from legislative bodies in Kenton County has the final authority to adopt the Comprehensive Plan.