Goals & Objectives
Research & Public Engagement
Throughout the course of the plan questions were often asked that covered the who, what, when, where, and why. We took the most frequently asked questions and provided answers. Read on to learn more.
Kentucky State Statutes (KRS 100) require Planning Commissions to prepare a comprehensive plan which serves as a guide for public and private actions and decisions to assure the development of public and private property in the most appropriate relationships. The following are required elements of a Comprehensive Plan – statement of goals and objectives, a land use plan element, a transportation plan element and a community facilities plan element. The comprehensive plan may include any additional elements such as, housing, pollution, conservation, natural resources, regional impact, historic preservation, and other programs which in the judgment of the planning commission will further serve the purposes of the comprehensive plan. The plan is required to be updated every five years. Statutes also require a comprehensive plan to be adopted in order to enact zoning and subdivision regulations.