Goals & Objectives
Research & Public Engagement
Comprehensive Plan Updates
The Comprehensive Plan guides growth and development in Kenton County and outlines goals, objectives, and implementation strategies aimed at making Kenton County a great place to live. This Comprehensive Plan update will be centered around public input, so residents’ needs and desires can help shape the future of their community and create a vibrant, sustainable, economically competitive place to live and work.
The comprehensive plan serves as a guide for public and private actions and decisions to ensure the development of property is in the most appropriate relationships. The comprehensive plan is only a guide for zoning decisions and should be used in all of the decisions a city/county makes regarding development. The policies, goals, and tasks of the comprehensive plan are not all zoning related.
Click on the links below for more information about this update.
2024 CPU FAQ
Research & Public Engagement
Kenton County encompasses urban, rural and suburban environments and boasts a diverse population spanning all age groups and ethnicities; thus, public input is all the more valuable in order to effectively meet the many and varied needs of Kenton County residents. Informed and driven by Kenton County residents, the comprehensive plan addresses major issues relating to the county’s future growth, prosperity, and well-being.
Over the course of the next year, KCPC staff will be conducting outreach in many different areas of the county and in many different forms in order to hear from our residents and communities.
KCPC Comprehensive Plan – DRAFT Elements
* Per KCPC Implementation Committee Meeting 6/25/2024
Please send comments via email to kcpc@pdskc.org
2024 CPU Public Input
The 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update project was a community planning initiative centered on public input – your ideas and your opinions on a wide range of issues facing Kenton County in the coming years. It truly encompassed the ideals of “Your Voice. Your Choice.” through public meetings, focus group discussions, and online collaboration. Click on the items below to learn more about how the community was involved with the plan throughout its creation.
Housing Ad Hoc Committee
A housing task force was formed to specifically review and develop recommendations for the Housing Element.
- Commissioner Kareem Simpson, Kenton County Planning Commission
- Mayor Chris Reinersman, PDS Management Board Chair & Mayor of the City of Independence
- Tara Johnson-Noem, Executive Director, Northern Kentucky Area Development District
- Pat Crowley, Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association
- Joe Schlimm, Vice President, Sr. Business Banker, Republic Bank
- Jason Finch, Market President, Fischer Homes
- Heidi Ollish, Vice President of Property Management, DMG Companies