Direction 2030: Your Voice. Your Choice

Direction 2030 was the comprehensive plan for Kenton County during the Kenton Connects project and provides the guiding direction for development and growth. Direction 2030 identified several bicycle and pedestrian related goals, recommendations, tasks, and was the guiding purpose behind this study. Sections of Direction 2030 that are relevant to bicycle and pedestrian issues are identified below and are directly quoted from the comprehensive plan:


Goal 5: Improve the ability of residents to live a healthy lifestyle.

  • Objective A: Promote safe and convenient non-automobile access to health care, healthy foods, and key destinations in strategic locations to encourage physical activity to decrease chronic disease and improve air and water quality.
  • Objective B: Encourage the provision of both active and passive recreational opportunities to address the needs of different groups and interests.

Goal 6: Enhance and expand the effectiveness of the transportation system by promoting multimodal approaches that address the needs of all users.

  • Objective D: Increase the convenience and efficiency of using multiple modes of transportation including driving, transit, walking or biking.
  • Objective E: Promote viable transportation options for all demographics.

Goal 7: Promote adequate access to natural systems to encourage outdoor activities for all generations on public property.

  • Objective B: Promote connectivity within and from surrounding neighborhood to public parks or natural areas to encourage walking and biking.


Connecting regionally significant parks to each other will work to strengthen parks on the county level.  These connections primarily build upon previous plans such as Riverfront Commons and the Licking River Greenway Master Plan. They also include current efforts such as those to connect Doe Run Lake to Pioneer Park. Recreation connections can be in the form of bicycle and pedestrian trails or even blue way connections (kayak, canoe, or other paddle craft vessels) along the Licking and Ohio Rivers.

Recommendation 3: Consider the regional context when exploring locations for major employment centers, large retail nodes, and amenities.

  • Task 4: Participate in regional initiatives such as the Licking River Greenway and Ohio Riverfront Commons project.

Recommendation 2: Examine the potential for improved infrastructure (such as multi-modal transportation systems, streetscape features, and sewer systems) in the first-ring suburbs.

Recommendation 2: Work with local jurisdictions and infrastructure agencies to address infrastructure needs in the urban area.

  • Task 4: Repair and replace sidewalks and streetscape elements as needed. Use the asset management program to identify areas that may need sidewalk repairs and streetscape improvements.

Recommendation 4: Improve and increase alternative modes of transportation.

  • Task 2: Identify locations for the installation and enhancement of bike facilities.

Recommendation 3: Access the feasibility of a county-wide park system as it relates to economic competitiveness.

  • Task 4: Develop a strategy for the linkage of existing parks and an action plan to fill in what gaps may exist in addition to identifying the potential for housing to exist adjacent to and within park systems.

Recommendation 1: Enhance connectivity within and between communities to provide increased mobility options for all users.

  • Task 1: Identify areas where there are high concentrations of mobility deficient demographics and provide a targeted approach to increasing modal choices and access to the network.
  • Task 7: Focus connectivity improvements in strategic locations such as schools, parks, libraries and commercial areas or districts.

Recommendation 4: Develop county-wide consensus on the appropriate balance between maintaining infrastructure and new construction.

  • Task 1: Identify areas that are likely to experience increased development and improve transportation infrastructure within these areas to provide increased mobility options.
  • Recommendation 7: Increase density within walkable distance of transit stops to improve efficiency.
  • Task 2: Improve transit facilities and provide bus traffic priorities along corridors that can support high transit ridership (urban, mixed-use, dense), in order to encourage multi-modal balanced transportation, and mitigate congestion and air quality.
  • Task 4: Encourage multimodal connections by strategically adding or improving sidewalks, bicycle facilities, and park and ride lots.

Recommendation 8: Increase operational and safety facility opportunities for cyclists and pedestrians.

  • Task 1: Update the Kenton County Bicycle Plan and Kenton County Pedestrian Plan.
  • Task 2: Enhance and expand biannual bicycle and pedestrian counts with increased volunteer support.
  • Task 3: Utilize continued bicycle and pedestrian count study to identify effects of development patterns on bicycling and walking.
  • Task 4: Institute an educational outreach program to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists to help each user of the network fully understand the rules of the road.
  • Task 5: Through incorporation of crash data research, work with local jurisdictions to step up enforcement efforts to correct unsafe operations.
  • Task 6: Provide continued maintenance and strategically enhance the existing bicycle and sidewalk network by focusing on filling in network deficiencies.
  • Task 7: All new roadways should consider opportunities for bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
  • Task 8: Enhance walkability by planning sidewalks during new construction to achieve a long-term vision for improved connectivity.
  • Task 9: Add sidewalks retroactively in areas where they were not originally constructed as opportunities for redevelopment and network enhancement arise.
  • Task 10: Enhance pedestrian options around community facilities and key destinations.

The land use element of Direction 2030 includes numerous recommendations and definitions that apply to the bicycle and pedestrian study. As such, including these sections in their entirety would be too cumbersome for this plan. Please refer to the Land Use Element for more information on the following concepts included in this study:

  • • Mixed Use
  • • Commercial
  • • Community Service Areas