Kenton County Bicycle Plan (1999)

The Kenton County Bicycle Plan of 1999 provided a decision-making framework regarding the establishment and improvement of facilities for bicycle transportation in Kenton County. It advocates for Kenton County jurisdictions to implement programs to develop alternate modes of transportation.

The plan also analyzed potential bikeway improvements and enhancements that could help reach the study goals. Goals for this study included:

  • Developing a regional bicycle system that is integrated with other transportation systems.
  • Provide a safe, convenient, and appealing bicycle environment.
  • Encourage and support bicycle safety, education, and enforcement programs.

The recommendations from this plan included:

  • Institutionalizing bicycle planning into the routine work of Kenton County government.
  • Installing bicycle signage to help begin the process of developing a bikeway system.
  • Maintenance of proposed bikeways.
  • Provisions for bicycle parking.