Goals & Objectives
Research & Public Engagement
Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans
The 2050 Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana (OKI) Metropolitan Transportation Plan are a component of the region’s multimodal transportation system. Bicycling and walking make up a relatively small portion of commuting activity. But these non-motorized travel modes play important roles within our region’s transportation system. Bicycling and walking expand transportation options when they are supported by infrastructure; they may also complement other forms of transportation by supplementing segments of trips.
The requirements for addressing bicycle and pedestrian travel are continued in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST) and related guidelines for metropolitan planning organizations.
OKI’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) prioritization process already encourages inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian facilities by awarding points for intermodal connectivity and multimodal facilities. The TIP is OKI’s collaborative program for prioritizing federal capital funds on a competitive basis for such projects in the region. Provisions for complete streets have been incorporated into the TIP process to consider appropriate facilities for accommodating bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders of all abilities, in addition to motorists.
Moreover, facilities, counties and municipalities are encouraged to develop local review processes that include compatible bicycle and pedestrian improvements within the context of the street, from the beginning of the project development process. In addition, OKI and state transportation agencies are encouraged to review the potential for bicycle and pedestrian facilities, wherever practical, in non-freeway projects.