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KCPC Committees

Kenton County Planning Commission Committees have been created for specific Commission focus areas and are meant to continue the work of the Planning Commission between public hearings.  These committees monitor on-going projects, gather and evaluate information, and review special interest items to provided recommendations to the full Planning Commission.  

Subcommittees meet as needed per the following schedule:

Executive As needed As needed Brian Dunham (C), Paul Darpel and Phil Ryan
Bylaws Last Monday 5:30 p.m. Brian Dunham (C), Jeff Bethell, Keith Logsdon, Joe Pannunzio and Debbie Vaughn
2030 Implementation 2nd Tuesday 5:30 p.m. Kareem Simpson (C), Jeff Bethell, Gailen Bridges, Gabriella DeAngelis, Brian Dunham, John Hennessey and Matthew Martin
Z21 Review As needed 5:30 p.m. Gailen Bridges (C), Todd Berling, Jeff Bethell, Keith Logsdon, Matthew Martin and Todd Herrmann
Social Media 4th Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Phil Ryan (C), Gabriella DeAngelis, Margo Baumgardner, Tom France, Maura Snyder and Todd Herrmann
Subdivision Regulations As needed As needed Paul Darpel (C), Todd Berling, Tom France, Sean Pharr, Kareem Simpson and Greg Sketch
Nominations As needed As needed Maura Snyder (C), Margo Baumgardner, John Hennessey, Sean Pharr and Kareem Simpson

(C) = Committee Chairman

Please check our calendar for more information.