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Direction 2030 : The Comprehensive Plan for Kenton County

Direction 2030 is the official comprehensive plan for Kenton County. Changing demographics and economic conditions necessitated the need to re-evaluate policies that had been in place since the preparation of the first comprehensive plan in 1972. Direction 2030 guides growth and development in Kenton County and outlines goals, objectives, and implementation strategies aimed at making Kenton County a great place to live. Direction 2030 is centered on public input, so residents’ needs and desires essentially shaped the future of their community to create a vibrant, sustainable, economically competitive place to live and work.

The plan found at represents a new kind of plan, one that exists only online. Its digital format allows it to be the sole centralized “document,” one source that people can use anywhere, anytime, with confidence that they are learning about the official plan for the county. It provides a platform designed to highlight the interrelatedness of topics and share content in new methods like of video and online interactive mapping. Even in its digital form, Direction 2030 is a standalone document that cannot be edited without formal approval from the Kenton County Planning Commission.

Action 2030 : Comprehensive Plan Implementation

Because Direction 2030 is a standalone web “document,” frequent updates to the site to inform the public about implementation efforts would be problematic. To best address this topic and provide timely information about ongoing planning efforts, the Action 2030 implementation website was created. The Action 2030 website provides information about current implementation efforts, a record of amendments to the official comprehensive plan, ongoing updated base demographic data, news, and highlights successes of the Direction 2030 plan. More info on Action 2030 can be found at

Small Area Studies

Small Area Studies are a comprehensive approach to planning at a “neighborhood” level. The intent of these plans is to take an in-depth look at various elements such as existing conditions, land use, and market potential.


The LINK-GIS website is the hub for all things GIS in Kenton, Campbell and Pendleton Counties in Northern Kentucky. Website users can navigate Northern Kentucky, through one of the many mapping applications available; shop for GIS data (countywide or by tile), shop for pre-made maps or custom map/data requests; learn more about the community through NKYmapLAB; or ask the LINK-GIS team about GIS in Northern Kentucky and its many benefits.