Please note that Applications and Fees are updated each fiscal year on July 1st. Please refer to the below links to ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of our requirements and fees.

KCPC Applications

Online Application Portal for All Permits

Please note that all Kenton County Planning Commission applications may be submitted using the PDS online submission portal. This straightforward process can help you save time and effort. If you need assistance with the online submission portal, feel free to contact PDS during regular business hours at 859-331-8980. We look forward to working with you.

FY24-25 Map / Stage I / Concept Development Plan Fee

Base Fee$1,674.00
Residential or PUD ADD$3.00 per acre or fraction
Commercial or Industrial ADD$39.00 per acre or fraction
Postage$0.69 per adjoining property
Additional Information
Acreage fees shall not exceed $1,339.00 per application
Refund 21 days prior to public hearing $523.00
Postponement or Continuance Fee $165.00 + Advertising & Postage

Cell Tower Application Fee Details

# of Proposed Small Cell TowersFEETOTAL
First Tower$325.00$325.00
Second TowerAdd’l $275.00$600.00
Third TowerAdd’l$225.00$825.00
4 – 10 TowersAdd’l $200 / tower$1,025.00 – $2,025.00
MACRO CELL TOWER$2500.00$2,500.00

Subdivision Applications

Hard copy applications can be downloaded and submitted via email using the forms below. Email completed forms to

Subdivision Surety