Community Services Areas (CSAs) are identified in the suburban and rural sub areas of the county. The intent and purpose of a CSA is to focus new commercial development into areas with existing commercial, public or semi-public land uses which can provide, or be expanded to provide, convenience goods and services to a growing population within the surrounding areas. While some CSAs may have existing residential densities in the surrounding areas needed to support the non-residential uses, others may need the development of a residential component or increased density to support services. CSAs are intended to function as activity centers for the County which provide services in close proximity to residential uses and discourage commercial development in a linear manner along major transportation corridors. The scale and scope of each Community Service Area varies, ranging from smaller scale which provides goods and services to the surrounding neighborhoods or rural areas, up to larger scale development areas which serve multiple communities. The general intent of a CSA is also to promote increased connectivity between and within developments, although the scope varies dependent on location within the County. Each CSA is identified with a circle on the Recommended Land Use Map. These circles are not intended to be a set boundary but rather a general area for the location of commercial or mixed-use development. The boundary of each CSA is dependent upon the size, scale, and types of uses envisioned for that area. The following criteria should be considered while evaluating developments within CSAs–
- They should be located immediately adjacent or in close proximity to existing commercial or public or semi-public land uses;
- They should improve or preserve connectivity with existing developments;
- They should provide services that could benefit either existing or new residential if proposed.
These are also areas that should be proactively assessed for future infrastructure needs and other incentives to promote the type of development desired.
Suburban CSAs
All CSAs in the suburban sub area are located along major arterials which currently contain, or are located near, other services and facilities necessary to support increased residential density. These services and facilities include fire stations, libraries, and parks. It is the intent of these areas to establish locations for concentrated nodes of commercial development which provide goods and services for the surrounding residential areas. Concentrating commercial uses and public/semi-public uses together will create a sense of identity for these areas and avert negative effects caused by dispersal of commercial land uses along these travel corridors. Development or redevelopment within these areas should be complimentary and compatible with surrounding land uses. Greater residential density should also be encouraged in and around these areas to provide a critical mass to support business within a CSA, to reduce trip distances, and to promote alternate form of transportation (e.g. pedestrian and/or bicycle).
There are five locations on the recommended land use map that are identified as CSAs within the suburban sub area of the county. A detailed description of the existing conditions of each CSA along with recommendations for future development or redevelopment can be found below:
Hands Pike at Kentucky State Route 17
This area is intended to serve existing and future residential areas along Hands Pike, Wayman Branch Road, and Old Madison Pike as well as automotive traffic moving along Kentucky State Route 17. Existing development forms within this area includes smaller commercial retail/service and office uses, single-family residential dwellings and vacant land. There is no internal or external pedestrian access within the CSA or to surrounding residential areas it is intended to serve. New development or redevelopment within the area should be oriented at a smaller, neighborhood scale and clustered near existing commercial. Currently, commercial uses are limited in this area. Additional residential development is essential for growth of commercial uses and the establishment of this area as a destination. Increased pedestrian access to the area should also be encouraged within the CSA and to the surrounding residential areas.
Hands Pike at Kentucky State Route 16
This area is intended to serve existing and future growth of the surrounding residential areas as well as vehicular traffic moving along State Route 16. Existing commercial development is smaller scale and clustered along the east side of State Route 16. This intersection has been realigned since the 2006 Area-wide Comprehensive Plan which has enhanced accessibility of this area as a service area particularly to adjacent parcels of vacant land. State Route 16 has also widened to accommodate additional lanes of vehicular traffic as well as a dedicated bicycle lane. New sidewalks were also constructed within the CSA along State Route 16 and Hands Pike. The combination of Calvary Christian Church, the commercial establishments, and the residential development at this intersection make the beginnings of a destination. To enhance a sense of place and to produce a more cohesive environment, new development should be oriented at a smaller, neighborhood scale and clustered near the intersection and existing commercial uses. Strong connectivity should exist between commercial uses and connecting the commercial uses to the surrounding residential development. The intensity and density of new commercial uses should be compatible with existing commercial uses. All new residential uses within the area should be moderate to high density. Additional pedestrian and bicycle mobility infrastructure should be encouraged to promote better connectivity of the surrounding residential areas.
Cox Road and Kentucky State Route 16
Residential growth has occurred in the vicinity of this area and is anticipated to continue. This area is primarily built out with only a few parcels available for new development. Much of the existing commercial development is older and offers a very high potential for redevelopment. The existing character and form of the area is auto-oriented. There are no alternative mobility options, such as sidewalk or dedicated bicycle lanes, within the area or to the residential neighborhoods it serves. New development or redevelopment within this area should be clustered near existing commercial areas. Mixed use development opportunities could include commercial, office, and residential uses. Moderate to high density residential development should be encouraged within the immediate areas surrounding the intersection. Increased mobility options should be encouraged to improve connectivity within and to the surrounding residential areas. In order for this area to be encouraged for redevelopment additional resources through careful planning and incentives will need to be considered.
KY 536 & 1303
This area is currently undeveloped and occupied by mostly agricultural and rural land. The peripheral areas surrounding this intersection have experienced significant residential growth over the past 20 years. This area is currently only accessible by automobile with no sidewalk or other means of mobility. Future improvements to State Route 536 include widening and the provision of dedicated pedestrian and bicycle systems from the County line to KY 17. In the future it is envisioned that improvements to KY 536 will extend to the Campbell County line and provide the much needed east-west connectivity between Boone, Kenton and Campbell Counties. This improved roadway will provide an increased development opportunity for this area to accommodate mixed-uses including industrial, residential, office, and commercial. New development should be designed to promote good connectivity between uses within the development as well as to surrounding residential areas. Moderate to high density residential development within the area and those surrounding the intersection are critical to the viability of the mixed-use concept for this service area. Additional planning for infrastructure and incentives are needed to promote this area as a true mixed use and should be encouraged.
Richardson Road and KY 1303
This area currently features a node of commercial uses clustered along the north side of Richardson Road near the intersection. The character of the area is primarily auto-oriented with low to moderate alternative mobility options such as pedestrian or bicycle. The area is located within close proximity to a mixture of low to high density residential development. All new development or redevelopment within the area should be clustered near existing commercial uses.
Increased connectivity, using a variety of modes to the surrounding residential areas, should also be encouraged.
Rural CSAs
All CSAs in the rural sub area are located along arterial roadways at key intersections in the rural areas of the county. While some of these areas do not currently contain a commercial component, it is envisioned that as rural residential development continues to occur in the surrounding areas, these locations could support future commercial uses. Most of these areas are mostly remote rural areas which do not feature any dedicated pedestrian or bicycle facilities. However, low vehicular traffic levels allow the existing roadway infrastructure to provide some level of alternative mobility options.
There are five locations on the recommended land use map that are identified within the rural sub area of the county. These areas are located at the intersection of State Road 177 and 536, 177 and Kenton Station, 177 and State Road 14, State Road 17 and 16 and State Road 17 and 14. The scope and scale of commercial development within these areas should be oriented towards serving retail and service needs of the surrounding rural area and may include office uses of very low intensity. The scale of development should be small, neighborhood oriented and consistent with the existing character and form within the area.
The rural CSA located at KY 17 and KY 16 is in an area that is partially within the Urban/Suburban Focus Area and partially within the Rural Focus Area. This CSA contains a variety of smaller scale commercial uses, along with a handful of public/semi-public uses oriented towards serving the surrounding low-density residential areas as well as the rural communities in the southern portion of the county. This area is primarily auto-oriented within limited mobility options to the areas it is intended to serve. Future development should be located on the north side of State Route 16 and extend to approximately where Joseph E. Schmiade Road intersects with State Route 17. Commercial development within this area should be small scale and complement the low-intensity nature of the area as it currently exists. With the widening of KY 536 and existing large scale development located less than 1.5 miles north of this CSA, it is anticipated that any large scale commercial development will occur north of this area. Increased mobility options as well as moderate density residential development should be encouraged within the area.