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Kentucky state law requires that a comprehensive plan must be based upon an analysis and forecast of the general population, economy, land use, transportation, community facilities, and any other background information that the Planning Commission judges will further serve the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan.  Read on to learn more about the research that was conducted on local data and nationals trends.

The Kenton County Comprehensive plan plan is comprised of nine elements. Recommendations and associated tasks for implementation have been developed for each element to implement the Goals and Objectives that serve as the foundation for the plan. The recommendations were derived after extensive public discussions, discourse and dialogue and are based on research which includes local data as well as national trends. They explore different facets of the county’s physical development as well as its economic and social well-being and provide a roadmap for implementation. The policies, tasks, and recommendations in each element are based on and supported by extensive research into each subject.

Research for the Kenton County Comprehensive plan included an in-depth review of city information, nine different topic areas like Land Use and Mobility and extensive public involvement. The latest local, regional, and national demographic and economic trends were thoroughly evaluated. Each topic area was extensively researched using Census data, GIS tools, and data from other sources. The latest planning trends were also analyzed to ensure that the plan is considering the latest national standards and best practices available.

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