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2024 Comprehensive Plan Update for Kenton County

KRS 100 requires that the Comprehensive Plan is updated every five years.  Currently, Direction 2030 is the official comprehensive plan for Kenton County. However, changing demographics and economic conditions necessitate the need to re-evaluate policies that have been in place since its last revision.

The Comprehensive Plan guides growth and development in Kenton County and outlines goals, objectives, and implementation strategies aimed at making Kenton County a great place to live. This Comprehensive Plan update will be centered around public input, so residents’ needs and desires can help shape the future of their community and create a vibrant, sustainable, economically competitive place to live and work.

The comprehensive plan serves as a guide for public and private actions and decisions to ensure the development of property is in the most appropriate relationships.  The comprehensive plan is only a guide for zoning decisions and should be used in all of the decisions a city/county makes regarding development.  The policies, goals, and tasks of the comprehensive plan are not all zoning related.

Direction2030 (the current Kenton County Comprehensive Plan) was last reviewed and readopted in September 2019. This update is anticipated to be completed by the fall of 2024.